Confidentiality Notice and Confidentiality Terms

These terms constitute a legally binding agreement between you and Almabase.

The reports, certifications or other documents of Almabase Inc and its affiliates ("Almabase") is subject to the paragraphs with respect to your access to, and use of, Almabase Confidential Information.

These terms constitute a legally binding agreement between you and Almabase. By accessing or viewing Almabase Confidential Information, you agree to these terms on your behalf or on behalf of the entity with which you are employed, affiliated or associated. You represent that you have the authority to bind the entity to these terms. If you do not have such authority or are not willing to be bound by these terms, do not view or access the Almabase Confidential Information. 

By accessing or viewing the Almabase Confidential Information you acknowledge and agree that these files are confidential information and trade secrets of Almabase. You will use the same degree of care that you use to protect the confidentiality and trade secret status of Almabase Confidential Information as you do to protect your own confidential information (but not less than reasonable care) and you will not use the Almabase Confidential Information for any purpose other than to use the services of Almabase or evaluate the purchase of Almabase’s products and services. Except as otherwise authorized by Almabase in writing, you will limit access to the Almabase Confidential Information to those who need that access for these purposes and who have executed confidentiality agreements with you containing protections no less stringent than those in these terms. 

You will not disclose Almabase Confidential Information to any third party other than your affiliates, legal counsel and accountants without Almabase’s prior written consent and you will remain responsible for your affiliate’s, legal counsel’s or accountant’s compliance with the confidentiality provisions specified herein.

You may disclose Almabase Confidential Information only to the extent you are compelled to do so by law, provided you give Almabase prior written notice of the compelled disclosure (to the extent legally permitted). 

These terms do not apply to any information that: 

(i) is or becomes generally known to the public without breach of any obligation owed to Almabase, 

(ii) was known to you prior to its disclosure by Almabase without breach of any obligation owed to Almabase, 

(iii) is received from a third party without breach of any obligation owed to Almabase, or 

(iv) was independently developed by you.

You further (i) acknowledge and agree that you do not acquire any rights against Almabase’s Service Auditors in connection with your receipt or use of this document, and (ii) release Almabase’s Service Auditor from any and all claims or causes of action that you have now or in the future against Almabase’s Service Auditor arising from this document. The foregoing sentence is meant for the benefit of Almabase’s Service Auditors, who are entitled to enforce it. “Service Auditor” means the party that created this document for Almabase or assisted Almabase with creating this document.

(version 1.0, dated: 22-Dec-2021)

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